Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ebb & Flow

Here's a bit of news on the library box:  I'm surprised at how the movement of books changes over time through the box.  For a period earlier this fall the box was stagnant and it seemed as though we had little traffic.  There are books friends have passed on a couple boxes of kids books which act as a reservoir of book supply through the droughts. Then all of a sudden:

This morning was a shazam moment when I dropped by the box.  A visitor or visitors had dropped off some brand new board books on the bottom shelf and a set of adult fiction as well.  The box is brimming with periodicals (New Yorker, The Sun & National Geo), a plethora of kids books and a robust set of adult reading.

Thanks to all you folks who keep the box alive.

Monday, January 12, 2015

New Year

Hi Bookies:

One of my friend's daughter is another crazy reader who blogs about her reads.  Here is Tanya Cothran's list (remarkably detailed & interesting) of 2014 reads: Tanya's 2014 Book List!

Happy Reading!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Remember These?

We have a connection with the Friendly Park LFL which results in books going back and forth. There was a set of old school library books donated to Whitty-Storeys, I bet a few of us can remember these cards:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Kid Books

Hi Library friends:

Our collection of Kids books is dwindling.  I've noticed that many families are making the Whitty-Storeys library box a destination for evening and weekend walks.  We recently had the following comment in the library log:

"Passing by and had to stop.  This is the most beautiful little library we've ever seen."

Keep your eye out for bargain kids books, garage sales, sitting around in boxes, we'll take all sorts. Thanks again for your support and help.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Nice touch

Some library angels touched the back of the box.  Check it out, it's quite nice.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Words - Art

 It's been a hectic summer between work travel interspersed with some good ol' fun.  Here is a sampling of kind comments that have floated through the box and some art snipits as well.  I sent out a call for our second poem in the poetry box and had three suggestions which just happen to fit back to back on one sheet.  No blowing the secret here, you'll have to hit the box to see what poems have arrived.  S


Mily approves
Kind Words

Kind Words II

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Poetry Box

My friend Desmond recently shared one of Pablo Neruda's odes with me, namely his "Ode to the Book."  This poem was the perfect kick in the pants to get motivated to build a poetry box.  Like a little free library poetry boxes are all about sharing poetry that you enjoy with others.  One picks a poem, prints out some copies (I printed 20 of Neruda's) and when they're gone repeat the process.

I was talking with a neighbor last night and our plan is to have everyone contribute poems.  So once the Neruda Ode to the Book poems are gone it's another person's turn to pick, print and share a poem.  Make sense?  Another fun way to play with words.  We also put the magnetic poetry boards back up on the library box.  They're now located on the sides of the box so folks may see them a bit better.

Enjoy, Stephen