Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thanks Ezra!

  One of the cool beans aspect of running a book box is meeting neighbors like Ezra Tishman.  Ezra spotted the box one day, left a note and we soon met in person.  Ezra is the bookmeister, the mensch of Chambers Street, he is the Dude when it comes to giving books.  Ezra's the driving force behind the non-profit Gertie the Book Bus, and he also runs Ardvark Books which will track down and find whichever rare and unusual books satisfy your bibliophilic needs.

  Beyond these activites  Ezra has passed on numerous kids books to populate our lower shelf.  Frankly novels can sit in the box for awhile but kid books move through rapidly.  I was out at the box this weekend and heard a voice from up the street "Dad let's stop at the Library."  A family of four was headed down the hill and the young boys bounced off their bikes and across to the box.  These book gifts from Ezra will be excellent additions to engage the wee ones.