Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ebb & Flow

Here's a bit of news on the library box:  I'm surprised at how the movement of books changes over time through the box.  For a period earlier this fall the box was stagnant and it seemed as though we had little traffic.  There are books friends have passed on a couple boxes of kids books which act as a reservoir of book supply through the droughts. Then all of a sudden:

This morning was a shazam moment when I dropped by the box.  A visitor or visitors had dropped off some brand new board books on the bottom shelf and a set of adult fiction as well.  The box is brimming with periodicals (New Yorker, The Sun & National Geo), a plethora of kids books and a robust set of adult reading.

Thanks to all you folks who keep the box alive.

Monday, January 12, 2015

New Year

Hi Bookies:

One of my friend's daughter is another crazy reader who blogs about her reads.  Here is Tanya Cothran's list (remarkably detailed & interesting) of 2014 reads: Tanya's 2014 Book List!

Happy Reading!