Saturday, February 1, 2014

Full House

  We just had an excellent donation of twenty-four children's books!  Yes 24 New Kids books!  Yahooza.  With a steady stream of recent adult book additions we just passed the 500 book mark.  This is five hundred books that have been noticed going through the box, there are likely books that come and go completely incognito.  Well done book folks and such a cool book box.  The early readers and kids who drop by will certainly dig into these new reads.

Generous Kids Book Donation!
  There are a couple of notable books that are hanging out in the box.  If you haven't read any of Erik Larson's historical books give In the Garden of Beasts a read.  This brilliant book details the politics and intrigue surrounding the last US Ambassador to Germany before the outbreak of the second World War.  It's very readable history, worth reading and thought provoking about the American mindset leading up to WWII.

  Thanks to everyone reading and contributing to our neighborhood library.

This picture was before the new books showed up.

1 comment:

  1. Hum... so we're all a bit distracted with the power outage but there's another mystery afoot. I thought one of our local neighborhood elementary teachers was the "secret donor" of the kids books. But alas she's not and now I'm seriously wondering who donated all the great early reader books.
